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Chalet La Source | Cauterets - Hautes-Pyrénées

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A day in Lourdes, marial, fraternal and universal city

Chalet La Source Cauterets Eau de LourdesA historic city of Bigorre, Lourdes has been a major place of Catholic pilgrimage since the appearances of the Virgin in 1858, welcoming 3 million pilgrims from around the world each year, who came to meditate at the Massabielle cave and make the gesture of water .

A unique and extraordinary place in many ways, which is well worth spending a day there during your stay at the La Source chalet !


Appearances of the Virgin, to the sanctuary Notre Dame de Lourdes

Chalet La Source Cauterets Appearance MarianIn 1858, the young Bernadette Soubirous was 14 years old; Very poor and fragile health, she can neither read nor write. She lives in misery with her family in an old dungeon.

On February 11, 1858, Bernadette went to the Rocher de Massabielle, on the banks of the Gave, to pick up dead wood. This place is called the "pig tutte", as it is dirty and obscure.

This is where Bernadette hears "like a gale". She then sees in a niche of the rock, a female silhouette that she will describe as follows: "A lady dressed in white; she had a white dress, a white veil, a blue belt and a yellow rose on each foot".

This is the first appearance of the appearances of the Virgin Mary to the young Bernadette; 17 others will follow, until July 16, 1858.

Chalet La Source Cauterets Sanctuary of LourdesIn 1862, miraculous healings recognized by the Catholic Church will follow in 1862, and the official recognition of the appearances of “the white lady” in Bernadette.

Bernadette Soubirous, who died in 1879, will be canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1933. It is possible today to visit the places where Bernadette lived, following "Le Chemin de Bernadette".

At the scene of the appearances, the Church undertook the construction of a sanctuary in 1871. The Notre-Dame de Lourdes sanctuary, which extends over 52 hectares, conceals multiple treasures: cave of Massabielle, Basilica, Crypt, Basilica Notre-Dame du Rosaire, Saint-Pie X basilica, cross paths…

Believing or not, everyone will find in heavy an atmosphere conducive to meditation and reflection, prayer or meditation. The heart of the Marian city gives off a unique energy that must be lived at least once!

Chalet La Source Cauterets Nuits de LourdesDuring the nights of Lourdes, the sanctuary is a place of highlights where thousands of pilgrims meet or torchlight processions, followed by a mass in the Pie X basilica.

During Marian processions, everyone holds a candle in their hands, and the esplanade is covered with these fragile lights. Everyone expresses their intentions of prayers there, in as many languages ​​as of nationalities represented.

The heart of the sanctuary remains the Massabielle cave. Adorned with a statue of the Virgin, the pilgrims come to pray there and touch the wall of the rock in act of faith, a stone which has become smooth, sweet and shiny since the visit of millions of pilgrims.


Chalet La Source Cauterets Grotte de MassabielleLourdes water, and the gesture of water

During the ninth appearance, the lady said to Bernadette: "Go drink and wash you at La Fontaine". Bernadette then released a hitherto unknown source, and where the precious Eau de Lourdes comes from.

It was in contact with this water that the first healing miracles were accomplished.

Since then, Lourdes water has fueled the fountains of the sanctuary. This water has become a pilgrimage in itself, a hope for millions of patients around the world, and pilgrims around the world come to drink it and swim in it.

Chalet La Source Cauterets Gesture by LeauEveryone drinks water, and puts water on the face. This is called the gesture of water. It is also possible to completely immerse yourself in swimming pools, managed by volunteer hospitals.

Scientific analyzes did not find any special property to him. As Saint Bernadette said: "One drop is enough! It is the faith that it is necessary! »»


Ancient history of Lourdes: the castle of Lourdes

Contrasting with the contemporary constructions of the sanctuary and the spirit of universal brotherhood that reigns there, we are almost surprised to find in Lourdes, overlooking the city from a rocky spur, a castle with huge ramparts, vestige of medieval wars.

In fact, the site has been inhabited for millennia, as evidenced by prehistoric vestiges, including the famous “Lourdes horse” in mammoth ivory. From the Roman era, fortifications were erected on this strategic position between plain and valleys.

Chalet La Source Cauterets Château de LourdesIn the 8th century under the reign of Charlemagne, king of the Franks, this castle then named Château de Mirambel, was occupied by the Saracens. Charlemagne comes to siege it, in vain for months. Charlemagne then proposed to the sultan, Mirat, to leave him the castle in exchange for his conversion to the Catholic faith. Mirat accepts and receives baptism. He chooses the name of Lorus. The castle of Mirambel, and by extension the village, take the name of "Lorda", derived from the Arabic name, "(El) Ouarda" (La Rose) which will then become "Lourdes".

The castle in its current version dates from the 11th century, where it is occupied by the counts of Bigorre. Throughout the Middle Ages, during the Hundred Years War and until the 16th century, this coveted castle will be the subject of several seats. Given to the English by the Treaty of Bretigny in 1360, it will be taken up by the French in 1407.

In the 17th century, the castle became a royal fortress and only welcomed prisoners. He will finally be bought by the city of Lourdes in 1894, which set up the Pyrenean museum there.


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