September 21 and 22: The Pyrenees dog festival, in Argelès-Gazost
They lead and protect sheep, these are the essential assistants of the shepherd. On September 21 to 22, the emblematic races will once again be in the spotlight in Argelès-Gazost, in the park of the thermal city, for the 22nd edition of the traditional Pyrenees dog feast : the Labrit and the Catalan Shepherd , the patou and the mare of the Pyrenees. Here is a perceived perceived of the life of these extraordinary dogs.
Driving or protection of the herd: two missions, two types of dogs
The driving dog assists the shepherd in the accompaniment and gathering of the herd.
It is the most famous shepherd dog in the public, the most spectacular at work. Enduring and veloching, receptive to dressage, this dog is able to take initiatives to guide the herd.
Several breeds present these natural skills: the Border Collie (today the most widespread), the shepherd of the Pyrenees known as "Labrit", the Beauce shepherd (Beauceron), the Australian Kelpie ...
But the essential then comes through work: this is why the shepherds take great care in the selection and education of their dog.
The deterrent expert: the protective dog defends sheep against predators' attacks
It is not an attack dog but of deterrence: a passive deterrence by its imposing presence and its barking, then active if this is not enough, by interposition or even physical intervention.
Large, courageous and resistant, with a strong protection instinct, this dog is able to work in total autonomy. He lives permanently as close as possible to the herd , only moving away from it when he has to repel predators.
In France, the main breeds are the Patou or Mountain of the Pyrenees, the shepherd of Anatolia, the Spanish mastal or the shepherd of Abruzzo.
While the driving dog belongs to the shepherd, most often the protective dog belongs to the owner of the herd, which breaks it from an early age with the sheep. This is how, quite naturally, this born goalkeeper will be systematically interposed in front of any intruder who would approach a little too close to the protection zone around his herd.
Shepherds have always used driving dogs. Protective dogs have been gradually abandoned due to the scarcity of large predators (bear, wolves, lynx). The natural return of the wolf in the Mercantour and the reintroduction of the bear in the Pyrenees aroused a renewed interest in protective dogs.
This is not without asking for some precautions for hikers, who will have to know how to manage any meetings with patous ...
Patou and Mastal of the Pyrenees , formidable guards under teddy bear
Patou or mountain dog of the Pyrenees, majestic in its white dress
The term patou - pastous in Occitan - comes from the old French "pastre" which means shepherd.
The Pyrenees mountain dog is the most widespread race and one of the oldest. Noticed for His Majesty and his elegance , he even knew his hour of glory at the court of Louis XIV ... and of course, more recently, he is also the hero of "Belle et Sébastien".
Particularly imposing and robust , it reaches 80 cm in the tourniquet and can weigh up to 65 kg. With its thick white fur and its full approach, it gives off an impression mixing flexibility and power.
It is a dog with a strong, very courageous and protective character , who needs an education that knows how to channel it. Very intelligent and expressive, it can also be in an excellent companion dog, affectionate with his master and sweet with children, but suspicious with foreigners. He needs a lot of exercise and long outdoor excursions.
The Pyrenees' mastation, the Spanish 'increased' version of the patou
Originally from Spain, the Mastin of the Pyrenees is in a way the Spanish counterpart of the French patou.
Like Patou, it is a dog of great physical strength, very active, with a strong character, intelligent and courageous , very well suited to the difficult conditions of the mountains.
It seems even more dissuasive, by its strongest stature - up to 85 cm in the withers for 70 kg - its spotted dress and its dark mask which gives it a severe air.
It is also a very old breed: before the Middle Ages, he already accompanied the great herds in the transhumant courses of Aragon.
This breed, which had almost disappeared in the 20th century, was saved by passionate breeders in the 1970s. In 2002, the government of Aragon recognized the Mastin of the Pyrenees as an element of the historical, cultural and socio-economic heritage of Aragon.
Shepherd of the Pyrenees and Catalan Shepherd, concentrates of liveliness!
The Pyrenees' Shepherd or Labrit: pure tone ...
It is a robust dog with a small size : 9 to 10 kg for 40-45 cm at the tourniquet. The most common is the shepherd of the long -haired Pyrenees, fawn, gray or black.
Despite this small size, which is not mistaken: constantly awake, the Labrit overflows with energy and intelligence. With typical qualities of the shepherd, he combines cunning and intuition which make it an exceptional but also very demanding dog.
Dedicated to his master, joyful and tireless , he is a fighter and suspicious towards foreigners, it must therefore be educated with a lot of fingering! It is undoubtedly for this reason that act today, despite all its qualities, the shepherd of the Pyrenees remains relatively widespread.
The Catalan Shepherd (Gos d'Atura Català): the same in larger and quieter ...
Like the Mastal of the Pyrenees, this very old breed undergoes the same decline, until the 1970s.
Today, the Catalan shepherd is used mainly as a shepherd dog , but also as a rescue and research dog.
With its 20-25 kg and 40-45 cm at the withers, it is more powerful than the Pyrenees' shepherd . Her dress, more flexible and longer than that of the Labrit, varies from gray to the fawn.
Endowed like the labrit with great intelligence which requires being always occupied, and a great need for exercise, it is nevertheless calmer and more malleable, easier to educate.
Argelès-Gazost, the unmissable event for fans of dogs in the Pyrenees
For a whole weekend, the Pyrenean culture and the profession of shepherd are honored around a canine event which brings together 4 emblematic breeds of the dogs of the Pyrenees: the patou, the labrit, and their Spanish cousins, mastar of the Pyrenees and GOS D'ATURA.
Each year for more than 20 years, more than 300 dogs and even more lovers of these animals participate in this event, as part of the magnificent Argelès-Gazost thermal park. A national event originally, which has become international because it attracts more and more foreign participants.
On the program, shepherd's work exercises with his flock of sheep, agility and obedience demonstrations . You will remain died of by the performance of these extraordinary dogs!
Local culture is also highlighted with the gourmet market of Bigourdane specialties, Pyrenean dances, ancient and traditional games, old trades and an artisanal village.
If you want to stay in Cauterets to enjoy these good times, the La Source chalet is ready to welcome you. Do not hesitate to contact!