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Chalet La Source | Cauterets - Hautes-Pyrénées

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Looking for the "Gave Panther"

No killHow to better recharge your batteries, by engaging in trout fishing in the heart of the Pyrenees National Park ?

Leave the bustle of the world to reconnect to nature, to focus on the only search for the magnificent fario ...

And what best case to indulge in this passion, than the Gavarnie valleys?


Gavarnie valleys, country of Gaves and mountain lakes

The Pyrenean chain, which extends like a wall between France and Spain, presents very watered slopes forming countless torrents and lakes. The Gavarnie valleys, also called Gaves valleys - names of torrents in Bigorre country - thus offer exceptional fishing conditions, in the heart of the Pyrenees National Park.

The water is omnipresent: everywhere gaves , sometimes with calm banks and the murmur of stream, sometimes tumultuous with their magnificent waterfalls; Many mountain lakes , nestled in the hollow of circuses, or on large trays surrounded by white peaks. A multitude of spots, for all levels and all practices, will allow you to associate the pleasure of discovering fabulous landscapes, that of looking for the famous Fario trout.

If you are a walker, the preserved natural areas will be your favorite field. The Gave du Marcadau on the Cayan plateau, is particularly popular; The Gave de Lutour on the set of La Fruitière, or the Gave de la Glère which goes up to the lake of the same name, also offer beautiful routes.

For beginners and/or the least mountain, several leisure trout routes are also available: adapted to families, they will allow the more experienced as well as neophytes to enjoy fishing together.

You will easily identify the spots that suit you, on the interactive map of the Hautes-Pyrénées fishing federation. Also consult on this site, all the information relating to the regulations.

Please note that the vigilance is to bet on the banks of the gaves, where the water levels can quickly increase due to the drops of water from the hydroelectric power plants.

What fish can we fish in the Gavarnie valleys?

The King of Gaves and Lakes of the Valleys is the Fario trout , also called “Gave panther” because of her dress speckled with brown spots. If their size is generally modest in small gaves, some specimens of the Gave de Pau can reach 50 cm!

Other species are the subject of external contributions in certain sectors: rainbow trout, fountain salmon, Omble Chevalier and Cristivomer .

On the small fish side, the vairon is the most common.

Finally note in the Lourdes sector in Argelès-Gazost, the presence of the iconic Atlantic salmon which occurs at the exact place of its birth. Protected species, it must be systematically given to water.

The "leisure trout" routes around Cauterets

A leisure trout course is a 1st category, easy to access course, where fishing is facilitated by the regular contribution of trout from fish farming, on planned dates (generally March, April, June, July and August).

Ideal for beginner fishermen , this type of course also allows confirmed fishermen to practice , support their loved ones and guide them in their learning, share with ease the pleasure of a fishing game.

There are 5 leisure trout routes, in Cauterets itself and in the surroundings:

  • The Gave de Cauterets in Cauterets: 550m from Pont Neuf (D920) on the threshold of the Tournaro water intake.
  • The Gave d'Arun in Arrens-Marsous: 750m from the Stade bridge to the Hède campsite.
  • The Gave de Pau in Argelès Gazost: 1600m from the Digue du Lac des Gaves (50m downstream) at the Pont du Tilhos
  • The Gave de Pau in Lourdes: 1200m upstream of the riprap of the Soum de Lanne, at the Pomès Bridge
  • The Gave de Pau in St-Pé: 200m from the downstream part of the island, 50m upstream of the water intake.

On these courses, the number of sockets is limited to 5 salmonids per day and per fisherman. Authorized fishing techniques are the whipped fly and OCD only

Fishing techniques

All the techniques are practicable: OCD is the traditional technique of the Pyrenees, but you can also practice fly or lure (swimming fish or spoon) in particular on the Gave de Pau and in mountain lakes.

Please note certain techniques may be limited in the leisure trout sectors, or No-Kill (inquire about the rules of the routes).

Fishing outings and internship

Clément Latapie , a fishing guide in Cauterets, will make you discover fishing in lakes and rivers in Hautes-Pyrénées. Clément offers ½ day outings, day or over several days, individually or in a group. Clément adapts to all the techniques, desires and capacities of participants. The passion within everyone's reach!


So, don't hesitate, come and search for the famous "Gave Panther", from your La Source chalet !
You will find in these two other articles, information on fishing in mountain lakes around Cauterets , and on fishing routes along the Gaves of the Gavarnie valleys .

And don't forget: your most beautiful trout is always the one you will return to the river ...

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