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Chalet La Source | Cauterets - Hautes-Pyrénées

Nordic Elan



In Cauterets, in the magical decor of the Spanish Pont, Sébastien Capou introduces you to cross -country skiing, classic or skating, biathlon or Nordic walking.

On these kilometers of tracks drawn between pines, gaves and waterfalls, you evolve in the ideal setting to fill up with pure air, and to initiate you or progress in your favorite discipline.

Chalet La Source Cauterets Elan Nordique SkatingOriginally from Cauterets, Sébastien Capou is a state graduate 1st degree of Nordic skiing , a sport he has been practicing since childhood.

With humor and patience, kindness and pedagogy, Sébastien transmits his experience of skiing but also in the mountain environment.

Thanks to Sébastien, you learn the right gestures for a harmonious slide, always adapted to your level, to conditions and relief. Cross -country skiing is technical!


Chalet La Source Cauterets Elan Nordique BiathlonAnd why not, try the experience of biathlon?

A fun discipline par excellence, without any danger since it is practiced with laser rifles on light targets.

Alone or in a team, it is the dream activity for a small family challenge or with friends, or a team building activity in business!

Do not hesitate to contact Sébastien de la pa rt du chalet la Source!


 Chalet La Source Cauterets Logo Elan NordiqueContact : This email address is protected against spammeurs. You must activate the JavaScript to view it.

Tel: + 33 6 88 89 22 93 


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